Agency 515; The SET presents Camp AART!
hosted by The SOULcial Workers:
Attitudes, Awareness, & Relationships, Transformation.
Suicide Prevention Skills Training Program
Camp AART begins May 28th 2022! Registration now open!
Camp AART can help you build the skills you need to play your part in helping someone live to tell their whole story.
Now welcoming AART-ists for Spring/Summer 2022! May 28th - July 23rd.
Camp AART (Attitudes, Awareness and Relationships Training) is the place where youth are scene and heard! In this space, participants embark on a creative exploration into our attitudes, awareness, and relationships around mental health and develop tools that can help save a life. Camp AART’s training uses playwriting as a tool to learn and practice the art of life-saving dialogue; youth get trained and certified in suicide prevention skills and learn to write and develop a theatrical scene equipping them with skills and practice to identify the warning signs of suicide, ask the right questions and refer someone to the right resources for support.
Young People Scene & Heard...
At Camp AART, youth engage in the writing, creation and performance of original works that reflect their real-world experiences and amplify their voices around the critical issues that impact their safety and sense of worth and wellness. Our aim is to set the stage for conversations that disrupt the messaging of shame and loneliness and spotlight opportunities to play a role in ending suicide loss with the hope that every young person will live to tell their whole story.
Camp AART ends with a production of 'SCENE and HEARD', an evening of staged readings and performances that provides a platform for youth to exercise their voice and share their vision. Audience members get a unique opportunity to hear directly from young people's expertise on what care is needed to build stronger relationships and create life-affirming environments for and with youth. Don't miss this opportunity to be part of the conversation.
sign up NOW!
Did you know that suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death for youth 10-34 years old?
Many times young people are struggling in plain site and lack the safety and connections to express their emotions or share their experiences out loud.
On average in America we lose one person to suicide every 11 minutes
Often times we may notice this signs of this struggle in others and lack the language and tools to support them, leaving us feeling powerless to help those we care for.
Research shows that for every 1 suicide loss, up to 135 people are affected.
Suicide is Preventable and Prevention is Everyone's Role.

Check out clips from our virtual camp
Join Camp AART
Free Registration - Register now, there's no cost for participants or their families!
Saturdays, May 28th - July 23rd 11am - 3pm @ Krossroads Teen Center
Have Fun! - Period.
Express Yourself - Share your voice through the art of theater.
Improve Mental Health - discover healthy ways to cope with life stressors like anxiety, depression, bullying and substance abuse. Improve self-care practices strengthen pathways to community support
Get Certified - Learn suicide prevention skills. Develop tools and techniques to identify warning signs and save a life.
Youth In Action - Camp AART gives youth the tools to start a conversation around suicide prevention.
A special invitation for youth!
Camp AART is thrilled to offer 16 scholarships to young artist ages 14 to 25 for participating in this workshop. Participants will receive a small stipend for completing submitting a finished theatrical scene. Select scenes may be featured in a future production!
If interested, please send your inquiry to
Stories are what hold us and grow us. Everyone has a fundamental need and basic human right to know and share their story. As a community we have a basic human responsibility to listen and learn.
What is QPR?
QPR is designed to give members of the general public the basic skills necessary to recognize the warning signs that someone may be contemplating suicide. The QPR Gatekeeper Trainings are funded by the County of San Diego HHSA, and are offered at no cost to attendees on behalf of the San Diego County Suicide Prevention Council.
What CPR does for the heart, QPR does for the mind.
As a QPR-trained Gatekeeper, you will learn to:
Recognize warning signs of suicide
Know how to offer hope
Know how to get help and save a life