We specialize in building agency through AART

Our thoughts, feelings, values, beliefs

 and learned Ideas.

Our feelings, our cognitive, subconscious and 

 somatic knowledge and understandings.

Our connections, experiences, desires and belongings.

Our shifting 


and behaviors.

Check out some of our AARTwork

The Issue(s)...

So many young people we serve face barriers to care, and are left holding unmet needs due to the resource deprivation and regional neglect occurring in underserved communities. As a consequence of this neglect, our young people are often surviving lived experiences that unjustly disturb their sense of worth and wellness. Simultaneously, they are often navigating environments and systems that deny them dignity and place limitations around their safety, while being disproportionately inundated with messages that confirm ideas that they deserve this. 

On the surface, the problem looks like...


Helping to tell whole stories...

We believe fundamentally in the interdependent relationship between creativity and hope. We believe that restoration, healing and liberation are truly the work of AART.  Our programs and productions promote connectedness, teach healthy coping and problem solving. We work to remove service barriers and restore relational deficiencies while providing tools to identify and support people in need of care. 

Click here for more resources.